How to add CSS code to your Wapka site

How to add CSS code to your Wapka site

some new wapka user requested me, they didn't know how to add css code in Wapka.
They requested me to add a tutorial about this.
Here Just follow my instruction to add css code.

Step 1:

First i talk wapka supported two types of editor to add css code.
In head tags and class.
Here i talk about class because it's easy and safe.

Step 2:

Login your Wapka site.
Go to >Admin Mode>EDIT SITE>WAP2>Classes settings>Add new class

Step 3:

Then you see a box write here something and Click on own elements check box.

Step 4:

Then click continue and you see a box.
Here you write your css code or paste of your code.

Now done.
If you like or faces any problem comment me.