How to Clear mozilla firefox all Browsing Data

how to Mozilla Firefox Clear all Browsing Data like cache,cookie,search,passwords and forms

Firefox keeps track of sites you’ve visited, files you’ve downloaded, searches, form data, cookies, and more.
All this data collects in the history database, and that database can get very large.
There are several ways to clear your browsing data from the database.

Clear All Your Browsing Data

To clear your browsing data for all of your browsing activity for a certain amount of time, click the Firefox button and select History | Clear Recent History from the drop-down menu.firefox recent history On the Clear Recent History dialog box click the down arrow to the left of Details.firefox recent history detail Select the check boxes for the items you want to clear. Select a time range from the drop-down list at the top of the dialog box.clear recent histroy dialog If you select Everything, a warning message displays telling you that the action cannot be undone.
Be sure you want to clear your entire history of browsing data before clicking Clear Now to clear it.firefox click clear now

Clear Browsing Data for a Single Website

If you want to keep browsing data for some websites and not others, you can selectively choose to clear browsing data for specific websites.
To do this, click the Firefox button and select History | Show All History from the drop-down menu.firefox show all history The Library dialog box displays. In the tree in the left pane, click the time frame that corresponds to when you visited the website for which you want to clear the history.
All the websites you visited during that time frame display in a list in the right pane.
Right-click on the desired website in the list and select Forget About This Site from the popup menu.
If you have a long list of sites, you can use the Search History box to find the desired website.
There is no confirmation for this action, so be sure you want to delete the browsing data for a website before you do it.firefox forget about this site To close the Library dialog box, click the X button in the upper, right corner.firefox close history

Clear Browsing Data Automatically When Firefox Closes

To clear your browsing data automatically every time you close Firefox, click the Firefox button and select Options from the drop-down menu.
It doesn’t matter whether you select Options on the main menu or the Options submenu.firefox select option On the Options dialog box, click the Privacy button on the toolbar.
Select Use custom settings for history from the Firefox will drop-down list in the History section.firefox use custom setting history Additional options display. Select the Clear history when Firefox closes check box so there is a check mark in the box.
Click the Settings button.clear history when firefox close On the Settings for Clearing History dialog box, select the items you want to clear when you close Firefox. Click OK. You are returned to the Options dialog box. Click OK on that dialog to accept your changes.firefox setting for clear history when close
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