how to add custom author profile in blogger
You had observed that at almost every professional blog have a box which contain the brief bio of blog author.The picture of the author, his Facebook and Twitter profile links are also there to get more info about the author.
This is a widget and we can easily add it in blogger.
Author box make our website/blog beautiful.
In this article I will show you how you can add Author box in your blog.
Here is the guide.You have to follow some steps to add Author box.
1. Login to >>Template>> Edit HTML Press Ctrl+F to find this code 2.Copy the following code and paste it just aboveStep#2
I think you have done above step carefully. Now press Ctrl+F to search for this code Copy the following code and paste it after the above code. Now Replace Address of image with the URL of your own image (Add the image in Picasa album and copy the URL and paste here.You 're done. Hopefully this article will help you to add an Author box widget in your blog.
Happy blogging .If you are facing any difficulty to implement this let me know comment box.
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