Differences between A, CNAME, ALIAS and URL records

A,CNAME,ALIASand URL records are all possible solutions to point a host name (name here after) to your site.
However, they have some small differences that affect how the client will reach your site.
Before going further into the details, it’s important to know that A and CNAME records are standard DNS records, whilst ALIAS and URL records are custom DNS records provided by DNSimple.
Both of them are translated internally into A records to ensure compatibility with the DNS protocol.

Understanding the differences

Here’s the main differences:
*.The A record maps a name to one or more IP addresses, when the IP are known and stable.
*.The CNAME record maps a name to another name. It should only be used when there are no other records on that name.
*.The ALIAS record maps a name to another name, but in turns it can coexist with other records on that name.
*.The URL record redirects the name to the target name using the HTTP 301 status code.
Some important rules to keep in mind:
*.The A,CNAME,ALIAS records causes a name to resolve to an IP. Vice-versa, the URL record redirects the name to a destination.
The URL record is simple and effective way to apply a redirect for a name to another name, for example to redirect
*.The A name must resolve to an IP,
the CNAME and ALIAS record must point to a name.

Which one to use

Understanding the difference between the A name and the CNAME records will help you to decide.
The general rule is:
*.use an A record if you manage what IP addresses are assigned to a particular machine or if the IP are fixed (this is the most common case)
*.use a CNAME record if you want to alias a name to another name, and you don’t need other records (such as MX records for emails) for the same name
*.use an ALIAS record if you are trying to alias the root domain (apex zone) or if you need other records for the same name
*.use the URLrecord if you want the name to redirect (change address) instead of resolving to a destination. You should never use a CNAME record for your root domain name (i.e. example.com).